Ka Thange Ka Thange. Khul Pi Kahin Tum Gal Kai

Chin, Kuki Mizo orZomi , which can be the most acceptable identity for Zo..?

05/11/2008 18:57

Mizo or Tripuri, and the Indian nation, unjust in the past, is today a more acceptable political identity than their cousins have across the border in Burma.

And these ideas will keep changing because nations are even more fluid than cultures.

The above is a comment by Vikram in his latest post What is India?.

Has Mizo become that popular........?.


Vikram’s assertion may be true in this part of the world but it is far from the truth in a place like Burma (where mind you half the Zo population still lives in spite of migration, immigration and political uncertainty).

Although Zomi has been advocated by mostly the Tiddim-speaking population Chin is very much part THE political identity of a Zo in Burma.

Even Lushai-speaking community has to identify as Chin in Burma.

So I rest my case….tell me what you think.

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Bible Verse:

Psalm 33, 12.

Blessed is the nation whose God is the

LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.

Milhiem Community.

1. Hangmi Union, (NEI).

2. Hangmi Student Union, Manipur(NEI).

3. Apart from the above Union various district and block level org exist.

4.The Community is Recorded as Milhem tribe in all records , but after long period of research they have accepted to be called as Hangmi after their Progenator. 

"Hangmi progenitor of the milhiem's is known and recorded as :The fearless warrior,  was a party of  Shongthu, Zahong and others who came out from the widely believe subterranian  land, called Noimigam through Khul. A cave like  to make new settlement in Chungkhogam (as is recorded in oral history of the Kuki-Chin-Mizo)".

5.They have their unique culture , tradition and history( oral history).